Foster with Us
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What is Fostering?

Fostering, in it's simplest terms is when you look after a child or young person while they can not live at home for a time - providing care and emotional support to a child or young person who cannot be cared for by their own parents or family. Every child deserves to grow up in a safe and nurturing home where they have support and encouragement so Fostering actually provides much more than just a stable home.


Fostering provides much more than a stable home. Every child deserves to grow up in a safe and nurturing home where they have the support and encouragement they need to do well in life. Some children and young people are able to return home after a while, but others may need a foster family until they are adults themselves.


Many Foster children lack the positive family experience, and encouragement that most children have enjoyed. By providing a supportive and nurturing home, a Foster Parent can change a young person's life, helping them to feel safe, happy and valued. 

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A Foster Parent will have a huge impact on a child’s life, helping them to improve their confidence and self-esteem, and be able to build a brighter, stronger future. All it takes is someone like you, to make that difference.


Many of our Foster families tell us that their decision to Foster with By the Bridge was the best one they ever made, and that their work is made possible by the support package that is in place.


If you are thinking of a career that will change your life and the life of every child that comes into your home then becoming a Foster Parent with By the Bridge could be for you.

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