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Grow, Achieve, Learn Skills Programme

Grow, Achieve, Learn (GAL) is the unique and bespoke personal development programme that is offered to all young people living with By the Bridge families once they reach the age of 14. 


The programme is designed to create a holistic and engaging range of opportunities that give young people chances to develop their skills, knowledge and life experiences alongside traditional and formal education.


Many statistics show that outcomes for young people once they leave care are not as positive as for their non-looked after peers. Looked after children and young people may not have the support systems in place from their birth families or original family environment that we would wish for them to have. Therefore, we believe that it is our duty and responsibility to equip our young people with the things that they need to become independent and able to navigate the challenges that adulthood brings.


Tailor-made Programmes

GAL provision also includes tailor-made programmes. These programmes identify and support the interests and strengths of individuals to create individual learning opportunities. 


An example of this was a young person who has a particular interest for working with animals. An EAGaL worked with the young person to identify specific opportunities that might be available to the young person (volunteering at a local kennels, day course in dog grooming) and supported them to develop a personal action plan to facilitate this engagement. The EAGAL continued to offer support to the young person and their family during this process. The young person’s aim is to get an apprenticeship in Animal care.

Preparation for Independence

We want all young people to be fully prepared for living independently, so that they are able to navigate the practical, physical and emotional difficulties that this can bring. To facilitate this, all of our young people are supported to complete the Grow, Achieve, Learn Skills Award. This is an independence skills development programme that looks at financial, practical, social and emotional literacy and skills development. EAGALs work with foster families and young people to oversee the progress throughout the programme, with the goal of young people completing the Skills Award and receiving their reward. 

Grow, Achieve, Learn workshops

Workshops are held across all regions and have received positive feedback from young people. EAGALs have received additional training to develop their professional knowledge in areas such as Sexual Health and positive relationships, and have built a network of links across the country with organisations that will deliver workshops in their areas of expertise. 


Examples of workshops:

  • First Aid courses offered by St John’s Ambulance
  • Personal Safety Days offered by the Suzy Lamplugh Trust
  • Legal High Awareness offered by local Drug and Alcohol Partnerships.
  •  Breakdancing workshops that seek to develop understanding of the physical self, emotions and communication
  • Raft building and water sports days that promote problem solving and enhance trust and relationships
  • Drama workshops tackling difficult topics like child sexual exploitation and positive relationships  


A partnership has been agreed with the Princes Trust in order to create accreditation of the workshops through their Young Leaders and Personal Development Awards; several of our young people are working towards this qualification currently and we anticipate growth in this area throughout the next academic year.


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